Our Commitment To Quality
Our commitment to quality is reflected in our performance and in customer satisfaction. Quality assurance is a way of life in our company and it is woven into every role and procedure from the cleaners on up through to senior management.
As we’ve specialised in office cleaning for decades we are well informed about client requirements and problems and structure our services to provide high quality office cleaning PLUS remove the client’s problems normally associated with cleaners.
Our quality assurance procedures commence from your first contact with us and are woven into all aspects of our service.

Quality assurance starts by quoting correctly
We do not give quotes with premises unseen. Every office, as normal and everyday as it may seem, has its own requirements and you also have your specific requirements.
The quoting procedure lays the groundwork for getting the cleaning standard that you require and for solving any past problems you’ve had with other cleaners for once and for all.
Our quoting is based on the cleaning specification and not just square metres. We note your requirements for each space in your offices, right down to any quirky little things that might be unique to your premises or needs and our quoting ensures that all these matters will be taken care of on a daily and ongoing basis.
Our Operations Manager is involved in the quoting process so that we are confident we can perform as you wish, from the outset.
Our prices are based on the average going rates of the commercial cleaning industry and our quoting is fair and realistic so that it covers what you want done, how you want it done and ensures that it can be done and maintained on the short and the long term. We do not quote on price or sweeten you up just to get a job because we know that only leads to the same problems with cleaning that you’ve had before.
Quality is assured by training your cleaners on site
An important ingredient in our recipe of success is that we conduct your cleaner training on site regardless of whether they are new hands or old hands. Your cleaners are trained to clean your office to your specifications including any idiosyncrasies unique to your office.
We have a documented training procedure for all cleaners that includes systemising all the tasks of your cleaning specification for your offices and forming a routine that gets every task done as scheduled and to your requirements.
Your input is encouraged during the training period to ensure all tasks and any little details are included in your cleaning specification so that by the end of the training we can deliver the perfect cleaning that you want.
The Training Officer accompanies the cleaners throughout the entire training period, it’s completion being marked by the cleaners performing a perfect job and your satisfaction. A Training Completion Certificate is then signed and issued.
During the training period we install a Cleaners Book, (usually kept at reception), where you can note any little things you wish to point out to the cleaners at any time. They will check it nightly and take appropriate action.
From this point onwards you should virtually be on easy street.
Maintaining quality is also assured
Our role is to provide the same level and standard of cleanliness and service to you on the long term which means the same standard achieved at the completion of the cleaners onsite training.
We achieve this with a twofold approach – proactive and reactive.
We are proactive in that we look for any problems and resolve them quickly, often before you are even aware of them.
We conduct periodic third party quality control inspections as a routine action for all jobs exceeding our minimum criteria and any departure from standard is self corrected within 24 hours for daily cleaning jobs.
Our cleaners are thoroughly indoctrinated in quality standards and their responsibility for customer satisfaction and quality control measures are inbuilt in their training and cleaning routines. The self implemented quality control is carried out by all cleaners and is a successful stand-alone quality measure for smaller clients.
We are reactive in that we respond to any complaint or issues on a strict 24 hour turnaround policy.
In the event that have any issue or complaint about your cleaning that has not been resolved through use of the Cleaners Book, you would contact our office and our Operations Manager will investigate and resolve any issues within 24 hours.
Our entire company is geared to deliver
high quality, problem free office cleaning –
the best you’ll ever have